Friday, December 17, 2010

Unobserved: A Celebration of Obscure Holidays

I just got a couple pics of the new book with one of my works in it. Its caleld Unobserved: A celebration of obscure Holidays. It features me along with over a hundred other contemporary tattoo artists. The promo pictures look amazing. The book seems to have come together even better than everyone had though. Great work guys!
they will have preordered up soon. the first 20 preorders receive two limited edition prints with the book.
I believe they will be sold for 40 dollars plus shipping. But more info will be up on the website:

Saturday, December 11, 2010

In Progress

I started this new thigh piece on my friend and co worker Lacie Frain the other day. Pretty stooked how the line work went. Ive been toying with line weights more lately. I really like the dynamic it puts on images. instead of a constant line weight throughout the entire piece. More photos to come of this piece as we work on it.

SOC #3

This is another example of starting with a basic image and then branching off of it as quickly as i could. each step was just the first thing I thought of in my head and then trying to make them all interact with each other. I tend to get some really weird results. But its fun and never gets old. 8x10

Slow Sean is Painting Season

Its been slow as a motherfucker in the shop lately. So instead of complaining Ive busted out a few of my SOC paintings. This one I finished yesterday. Skull owl on Bell. 8x10

Stream of consciousness

so Ive been doing a lot of these paintings and tattoos where its simply a stream of consciousness type of thing. I start with one basic idea for an image and expand on it as it develops in my head. without an overall theme that is premeditated. I dont know what I'll end up with when Im done and thats the fun part. Im doing some half sleeves based on this soon. More info on that soon.
Ive done work like this since college. After all these years I finally feel like I have a grasp on this idea more than ever. Its definitely matured as a form of imagery.
Also, I enjoy seeing people look at the work and seeing all the different images that make up the overall depiction.
let me know what you think

Friday, December 10, 2010

Vaquero frame up on Eastern Bikes site.
designed this frame for the Vaquero pro bike on Eastern Bikes website.
as well as this t-shirt with one of my graphics of a Penny Farthing. Via Gran Royale Bicycles.

get one or both.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

new tattoo

Did this tattoo yesterday on an old friend from college. Hes a good dude with a shared love of skulls, roses and snake tattoos. I was more than happy with how this turned out. and he sat like a champ. took about 3 hours to finish. Probably one of my most recent favorite tattoos Ive done.