Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pharaoh's Dachshunds 11x14

I had the idea for this painting the other day. I wanted to mix some classic tattoo flash with dachshunds. i love both. I was going to make a whole flash sheet with classic images mixed with weiner dogs. but I thought this was the most clever. I might still do the panther idea if I get bored enough.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I am making a series of these wood mounted prints. These prints are mounted on wood, then coated in a thick resin coating. Ready to hang. They are available for sale on my website. www.mattkerley.com
they are in the "for sale" category. $20

Painted this for my good buddy Rob Rutherford. Hes a great dude and an even better machine builder. hes doing a seminar for the greensboro convention september 10, 11, and 12. This for the cover of his book that he will be giving out as part of the seminar. it will also be sold online. more info on that as soon as I get it.